Preventing And Getting Rid Of Chinch Bugs
Here in Tampa Bay, chinch bugs are all too familiar to home owners and the lawns they attempt to destroy. These destructive pests can quickly ruin all the hard work you put into a beautiful lawn turning a green lush oasis into a patchy brown mess. Tampa area residents know all too well that chinch bug infestations are no fun to deal with.
Chinch bugs are active year round in Florida. When the cooler weather hits, they are more inclined to burrow deep under lawns. These bugs are so good at staying out of sight, it is difficult to know if they are problem on your property until they have significantly ruined your lawn.
The good news? There are effective ways to prevent them from killing your lawn and bringing back its lush color.
How Do I Know If I Have Chinch Bugs On My Property?
Having a problem with a chinch bug infestation is difficult to diagnose until there is evidence of substantial lawn damage. These insects are so small, it is important to understand what they look like and how to assess whether damage to your lawn is caused by theses pests.
What Do Chinch Bugs Look Like?
At only 1/8" to 1/4", these bugs are small. They are reddish brown to black, have six legs and have a set of light colored wings folded over their back.
What Does Chinch Bug Damage Look Like?
These pesky pests are attracted to leafy plants, crops and thatch. However, they are best known for attacking your lawn. There is a very specific reason for this. They thrive on nitrogen, which is a common element found in most fertilized grass. As they eat the grass blades, they inject a toxin into the plant that prevents additional growth. This toxin is what causes the patchy brown areas in a lawn.
Controlling Chinch Bugs
If you suspect you have an infestation, you can perform a test at home called the floatation method in order to confirm your suspicion. Cut out the bottom of a metal can and press it down into the effected area about three inches. Next, pour a steady flow of water into the can for five minutes. As the can fills up with water, any bugs in the area will float to the top.
Once confirmed, we suggest taking some steps to prevent further infestation.
Install an irrigation system for your lawn and make sure your water flow is regulated for your type of grass, any sloping, season and amount of sunlight.
Have your lawn fertilized with a slow release nitrogen application or a different type of fertilizer depending on your type of grass.
Consult with Super D Pest Control about creating a maintenance plan for removal and prevention maintenance.
Get Back To A Beautiful Lawn
If you want to get your lush Florida lawn back to looking gorgeous, call Super D Pest Control. Our pest control technicians are extensively trained to assess each type of lawn in order to determine what kind of pest prevention plan is best for your home. We can make sure your lawn is free of chinch bugs and any other type of lawn destroying pest such as fire ants, fleas and ticks, termites and more. Call us today at (727) 433-5310 or contact us on our website by clicking "Let's Chat!" below. We look forward to serving you.